Circle U MUN #1 - Diplomatic simulation: the world of Model United Nations (MUN)

This podcast dives into the world Model United Nations (MUN) and its concrete application as a diplomatic simulation gathering nearly half a million students each year.

Diplomatic simulation: the world of Model United Nations

This podcast deals with the concept of MUNs and its concrete application in hundreds of conferences taking place and gathering nearly half a million students each year. But what is a MUN? This is a simulation conference where students get the opportunity to discover how international organizations work, stepping into the shoes of world leaders working together to solve global challenges. In concrete terms, this implies that they have to represent a specific United Nations member state or observer state, appropriating its political position regarding a global different topic, and addressing this issue along with other delegates through debates, negotiations and collaboration, in order to find solutions and implement concrete resolutions.

The ultimate goal of this simulation is therefore to acquire new skills, to learn a lot about international relations, as well as to open up to new perspectives, in the context of a wonderful international experience with tens to thousands other students from all over the world!